2023 Farm Bill | Colorado Farm Bureau

2023 Farm Bill

Farm Bill

The farm bill is a critical tool for ensuring our nation’s food supply remains secure. Funding for this comprehensive package, which could more accurately be called a food and farm bill, includes risk management tools for farmers, access to nutrition for low-income families, conservation programs and investments in agricultural research.

Farm Bureau is already preparing for the next farm bill, scheduled for renewal every five years, and we will be looking to our grassroots members for guidance on what priorities we should advocate for. Farming is a difficult and risky business, yet critical to the well-being of our nation. It’s often stated that food security is national security. Few pieces of legislation are more significant than the farm bill when it comes to ensuring our food system is secure. We urge lawmakers to recognize this significance as they consider updating and refreshing the farm bill.


The Farm Bill and Colorado


What Our Members Have to Say

Nathan Weathers, District 2

“Disaster assistance is what helps farmers and ranchers when they need it most. Having these programs available get the assistance to the right farmers and ranchers, and it’s important for the integrity of these programs that the need is documented.”

Disaster Programs in the Farm Bill

Marc Arnusch, Arnusch Farms

“Estimating the true loss of a crop, after a devastating weather event can be hard. Often this process is subjective, complex and arbitrary. Whole Farm Revenue protection takes all the “guessing” out of assessing a loss. 2018 was a devastating year for farmers in my community Eleven hail storms crossed my farm that year; without the safety net Whole Farm Revenue Insurance provided, our third-generation family farm would be out-of-business.”

WFRP Programs

Bruce Talbott, Talbott Farms

“The subsidized crop insurance program is one of the most valuable programs in the farm bill. It generates more financial stability in agriculture and gives lenders more confidence in being willing to make ag loans. Ultimately crop insurance causes agricultural production to balance out at a higher production level than it would if left only to market forces. The advantage to the American taxpayer is a food and fiber production base that produces more food at a cheaper average price and a greater potential to export excess supplies.”

Specialty Crop Considerations for the Farm Bill

It is crucial that farmers and ranchers share their stories with others outside of the agriculture industry.

That’s what CFB is asking you to do for the 2023 farm bill , share your story about the importance of disaster, conservation and other programs that you use on your farm or ranch. As more and more people are removed from agriculture, these stories help lawmakers understand how critical these programs are to the future of the industry.


Additional Resources

Farm Bill News

Farm Bill Resources In-depth

Farm Bill Policy Priorities