Foundation | Colorado Farm Bureau

Colorado Farm Bureau


The Colorado Farm Bureau Foundation provides monetary and in-kind support to victims of rural natural disasters. From fires to floods, the CFB Foundation has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to support farmers and ranchers negatively impacted by natural disasters in Colorado.

our history
The Colorado Farm Bureau Foundation was founded in 2007 to help southeast Colorado’s farmers and ranchers deal with the devastating blizzard that left thousands of cattle dead. Since then, every major rural natural disaster in Colorado has been aided by our foundation.
what we do
The CFB Foundation helps to provide a way for all Coloradans to help their rural neighbors in their time of need. Our leadership and staff works with local residents to distribute funds. We direct 100% of the funds from donations to disaster victims and initiatives and programs to better serve rural communities.
what we do
The CFB Foundation helps to provide a way for all Coloradans to help their rural neighbors in their time of need. Our leadership and staff works with local residents to distribute funds. We direct 100% of the funds from donations to disaster victims and initiatives and programs to better serve rural communities.
why donate
All Coloradans should help to support their fellow citizens in their time of need. In particular, the CFB Foundation provides a way for urban, suburban and other Front Range residents to support rural communities through monetary donations.

how to donate

The Colorado Farm Bureau Foundation exists to strengthen agriculture and rural communities through funds that support educational programming, farm safety training and resources, disaster relief, and rural health initiatives. Donations are accepted for the disaster fund and for ongoing programs year-round. Checks can be made out to Colorado Farm Bureau Foundation, and credit card payments can be taken online through PayPal.

contact us

Taylor Szilagyi
Executive Vice President


send checks

Colorado Farm Bureau Foundation
Attn: Disaster Fund
9177 E. Mineral Circle
Centennial, CO 80112

donate online

Secure Donations can be made here


Nebraska Flood Relief
Foundation Drone Program
2017 Blizzard Relief